whilemomwaits.com weekly Mom's Monday Minute weekly email with tips

Start Your Busy Week Off Right!

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  • Short, quick-read email to kick off your week
  • Specific, actionable tips easy to implement
  • Recommendations for the great stuff we are loving
  • Ongoing encouragement: you are not alone!

Mom's Monday Minute!

Start your week right with our short, curated email every Monday morning - featuring 2-3 actionable tips to help busy moms kick off a joyful and productive week!

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Photo of WhileMomWaits.com founder and CEO, Jennifer Osterhout

My name is Jen, and as a busy mom, I know firsthand how overwhelming life can feel when you’re juggling family, work, and everything in between. I started this journey to share tips and tools that help moms make the most of small chunks of time—I believe even these tiny moments can make a big difference in our days.

With my weekly emails, you’ll find simple, actionable sections designed to help you plan your day, organize your thoughts, and even carve out a little time for self-care. You’re taking a great step toward reclaiming your time. I’m cheering you on!